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Traveling back and forth through time, Cable recently traveled back to the future with a special purpose: Protect a mutant baby who could be mutantkind’s savior. Sparks fly when this oddest of all couples kicks butts and takes names throughout the Marvel Universe. Looking for the one superhero comic you just have to read. Cables the son of original X-Man Scott Summers and the clone of Jean Grey who grew up in a war-torn future ruled by Apocalypse.
Traveling back and forth through time, Cable recently traveled back to the future with a special purpose: Protect a mutant baby who could be mutantkind’s savior. See the Avengers go up against Ultron, Kang, the Masters of Evil and more over three decades of epic action. This is where youll find all the big-time action, major storylines and iconic Spider-Man magic youd come to expect from the Wall-Crawler. Marvels mighty mutants go worldwide and beyond in this series following Cyclops, Wolverine, Beast, Emma Frost and more in their astonishing adventures.
The Odd Couple of the Marvel Universe, Cable is a soldier from the future, fighting for peace today while Deadpool is the wisecracking, gun-for-hire by-product of the military’s Weapon X program. Marvels mighty mutants go worldwide and beyond in this series following Cyclops, Wolverine, Beast, Emma Frost and more in their astonishing adventures. See the Avengers go up against Ultron, Kang, the Masters of Evil and more over three decades of epic action. Cables the son of original X-Man Scott Summers and the clone of Jean Grey who grew up in a war-torn future ruled by Apocalypse.