BINUS International Office

Compulsory Study Abroad (Global Class program) – Host Universities

Please find below the information on the host universities you can choose when participating in the Study Abroad program as part of the Global Class.

We regularly update the information on this site and may not inform you of the changes without prior notice.


Country City Institution
Mexico Monterrey Tecnológico de Monterrey
USA Boone Appalachian State University


Country City Institution
Brunei Darussalam Bandar Seri Begawan Universiti Brunei Darussalam
China Beijing Beijing Institute of Technology
China Beijing Beijing Institute of Technology
China Guangzhou South China University of Technology
China Jiangsu Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
China Ningbo University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC)
Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Japan Beppu Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Japan Tama Tama University
Japan Tokyo Shibaura Institute of Technology
Japan Tokyo Shibaura Institute of Technology
Korea Gyeongsan-si Yeungnam University
Korea Seoul Dongguk University
Korea Seoul Myongji University
Korea Seoul Sejong University
Korea Seoul Sungkyunkwan University

(Only for Compulsory Study Abroad in the Odd Semesters)

Korea Yongin Dankook University
Malaysia Selangor University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus
Philippines Manila Ateneo de Manila University
Philippines Manila Ateneo de Manila University
Taiwan Hsinchu National Tsing Hua University
Taiwan Kaohsiung National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
Taiwan Kaohsiung National Sun Yat-Sen University
Taiwan Taipei Tamkang University (The College of International Studies)
Taiwan Taoyuan Chang Gung University
Taiwan Taoyuan Yuan Ze University
Thailand Nakhon Pathom Mahidol University International College
Thailand Pathumthani Rangsit University
Vietnam Hanoi FPT University


Country City Institution
Australia Victoria Monash University


Country City Institution
Denmark Odense University of Southern Denmark
Finland Kajaani Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
France Dijon Burgundy School of Business
France Lille IESEG School of Management
France Lille Universite Catholique de Lille
Hungaria Budapest Budapest Business School
Netherlands Deventer Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Netherlands Enschede University of Twente
Netherlands Rotterdam Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Netherlands Tilburg Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Poland Warsaw Kozminski University
Switzerland St. Gallen FHS St. Gallen – University of Applied Science
United Kingdom London Queen Mary University of London
United Kingdom London University of Westminster