BINUS International Office

Homecoming BINUS STAR Spring 2024: Welcoming Back Global Ambassadors

On 28-29 September 2024, BINUS University held a Homecoming event at Kebunsu, Bogor, to welcome back the BINUS Student Transnational Ambassadors (BINUS STAR) after their successful study abroad semester. The 2-day, 1-night event was filled with reflection, creativity, and togetherness as the students returned from their academic journeys at partner institutions across the globe.

The event commenced with engaging ice-breaking activities, where the BINUS STARs shared stories of their unique study-abroad experiences while representing BINUS as global ambassadors. Laughter and learning intertwined as students recounted their challenges and triumphs while abroad. In a creative twist, the BINUS STARs worked together on video projects that captured the essence of their journeys to study abroad. These videos showcased their academic and cultural experiences and highlighted their roles as proud representatives of BINUS University. A vital part of the event was a sharing session with a BINUS STAR alumnus, who shared how his study abroad experience paved the way for his future endeavors. His story inspired the returning students, encouraging them to turn their international experiences into stepping stones toward their careers. As a closing tradition, the “Kind Words” session provided a heartfelt moment where participants expressed appreciation and positivity to their peers and any parties who had helped throughout the study abroad experience. This ritual has become integral to every Homecoming, reminding everyone of the importance of kindness, encouragement, and gratitude in building a solid community.

This Homecoming celebration marked the return of our global ambassadors and vividly demonstrated BINUS University’s dedication to preparing students for a globalized world, aligning with the UNSDGs. By fostering quality education (UNSDG Goal #4: Quality Education), enabling students to build relevant skills for decent work (UNSDG Goal #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth), and strengthening partnerships (UNSDG Goal #17: Partnerships for the Goals), BINUS is paving the way for a sustainable future and setting the stage for even more remarkable journeys ahead.

We look forward to hearing more breathtaking stories from our BINUS STARs as they continue to make their mark on the world. What’s next for them? Only time will tell.

Sharing by BINUS STAR Alumnus

The shared cooking experience for dinner helped build teamwork and strengthened the bonds between the students, creating lasting memories.

BINUS STAR members are having fun, sharing laughter and excitement as they engage in lively activities, building solid connections and unforgettable memories.

BINUS STAR members return home, reconnecting with the beauty of Indonesia as they explore nature, embracing the serenity and wonder of their homeland’s breathtaking landscapes of Curug Nangka (Kebunsu’s neighborhood)