A Glimpse Into BINUS UNIVERSITY’s Study Abroad Sessions

Jakarta, 4 October — Driven by the growing demand from our students for global learning experiences, we are committed to supporting them through our study abroad program. Our Internationalization team, under the Vice-Rector of Collaboration and Global Engagement, has held regular Study Abroad Sharing Sessions since 2022, covering everything from preparation steps to alumni experiences and credit transfer details.
As the 2024/2025 academic year commences, our team, with the support of iBuddy+, a group of students chosen as mentors and buddies to support their peers, led a series of Study Abroad Sharing Sessions across campuses in Bandung, Semarang, and Malang, encouraging students embark on their ‘Be Bold: A Journey Across Countries’ adventure.
(Photo Editor: Mufti Warits)
“We also invited both exchange students and full-degree international students at BINUS University to share their experiences, giving insights into living and studying in their respective countries, as well as their journey here,” explained Mr. Alexander Christian, Head of the International Experience Section.
Beyounce Lorraine Alegria Guingab, our International Business student from the Philippines, enthusiastically took part in the event to discuss her choice to study at BINUS University and her willingness to embrace the challenge of living away from her family.
(Photo Editor: Mufti Warits)
As part of the session, they also provided consultation services, providing information that this program is part of the Enrichment Track, which allows students to spend one semester studying at one of our international partner universities.
(Photo Editor: Mufti Warits)
“Studying abroad is not just about academics; it’s a decision that shapes your life beyond your studies,” emphasized Nadya Alya, a student who studied abroad at Hannam University in South Korea.
Drawing from Alya’s experience, this program aims to offer an experience that extends beyond academics — fostering cultural exchange, enhancing communication skills, and encouraging personal growth and independence.
(Photo Editor: Mufti Warits)
Finally, this sharing session fostered a dynamic exchange of international experiences between local and international students, with a team eager to listen to their needs and aspirations. It was a space for them to connect, reflect, and share their journeys, each with its own story of cultural discovery and personal growth. This initiative is part of our ongoing commitment to enhance the student experience, aligning with BINUS University’s mission to become a world-class institution, dedicated to providing enriching global opportunities for all students.
(Words by Mita Adhisti/Editor: Hamzah Ramadhan)