Embracing Global Horizons

Bandung, 23 November 2023 – Internationalization is a fundamental cornerstone of BINUS University’s core values.
As part of our commitment to foster this global spirit, our team from the BINUS International Office journeyed to Bandung alongside several international students—Sandra Elena Andrei from Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania (International Business), and Luca Szentmiklosi Toth from Inholland University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands (Tourism). Together, they shared valuable insights with our students on the myriad benefits of studying abroad.
Our university offers a Study Abroad Enrichment Program, providing students with the opportunity to spend a semester at one of our partner institutions. With over 200 partners spanning from South Korea to the USA, the options are boundless!
Reflecting on her experience, Sandra Elena expressed her gratitude, stating, ‘I felt immensely fortunate for the diverse experiences, particularly the opportunity to traverse Indonesia and explore its breathtaking locales!’
The session proved to be exhilarating for all attendees, presenting an ideal platform for mutual knowledge exchange. It encompassed various aspects, such as navigating new cultures and the significance of cherished items from home, fostering a sense of closeness to loved ones.
As each speaker shared their mobility experiences, captivating the audience with tales of exploration and adaptation, the session affirmed the truth in the adage, ‘A ship in a harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.’ Embracing uncharted territories enables profound self-discovery.