BINUS International Office

BINUS UNIVERSITY Takes Center Stage at DTUX Summit 2023

Singapore, 22 September 2023 – BINUS University stole the spotlight at the DTUX Summit 2023, held at Singapore Polytechnic on September 22, 2023. The event was destined for greatness, with the illustrious presence of Don Norman, the luminary behind “Humanity-Centered Innovation” and hailed as the Father of UX (User Experience).

Our Vice-Rector of Collaboration & Global Engagement, Prof. Dr. Tirta Mursitama, Ph.D., alongside Dr. Ari Margiono, Ph.D., shared insights on “Building Healthy Nation” by employing a cutting-edge design thinking approach. Their mission: to construct a healthier nation, aligning with the grand vision of Indonesia Emas 2045.

The DTUX Regional Hub is a brainchild of Singapore Polytechnic, backed by the formidable Temasek Foundation. This hub embodies a resounding call for “humanity-centered innovation,” uniting institutions from Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines in a quest for solutions that put people at the heart of progress. During the Summit, Symbiosis International University from India was welcomed into the DT UX Regional Hub fold, reinforcing international unity in pursuing humanity-centered progress.

Prof. Tirta also met with several world-renowned industry leaders. For example, Don Norman, a true advocate for the human touch, quirkily remarked during a selfie session, “I don’t look at the camera, I look at you!” It is a simple gesture, yet a powerful testament to the core of “humanity-centric” thinking. Both emphasised the essence of innovation: a relentless focus on the human element.

This summit marks more than just a moment in time; it’s a testament to BINUS University’s unwavering dedication to transforming not just education but the very fabric of society. With every project and every partnership, BINUS University cements itself as a beacon of innovation and progress, a testament to what a united community can achieve.