Students Meet Business Owners as Part of Market Entry Strategy Short Program

Yogyakarta, 31 July 2023 – BINUS University and Sanata Dharma University offer an exciting experience for students to enhance their knowledge about the ins and outs of the business world and the potential of export and import activities through the Market Entry Strategy 2023.
A total of 20 students, including an international student from Zimbabwe, work together as a team and participate in interactive activities that sharpen their business acumen, facilitated by experts from both institutions, to gain the foundation of achieving success in the global market.
“Activities like MES 2023 support experiential learning that promotes international outlook as well as enhances understanding in applying business practices according to industry needs,” said Dr. Diah Wihardini, the Director of BINUS Global.
Visits to several Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), such as Roosman Leather in Manding, Bantul, Yogyakarta, and Rumah Tempe Indonesia in Bogor, West Java, provide students with the opportunity to interact directly with craftsmen to learn about the strategies to penetrate the global market with their offered products.
“As a Computer Science student, this activity provides a foundation for doing business, especially because it’s one of the things I want to do after graduating,” said Ellis Pax Mapakama, a student from BINUS University from Zimbabwe.
The result of two weeks of participation in MES 2023 is a poster presentation on innovative data-based solutions. For Nur Fariska Dwi Juliani, a Management major student, along with her group, explores the export potential of coconut charcoal briquettes from Indonesia to South Korea. According to her, this product not only provides added value for business owners as it doesn’t emit a strong aroma during burning.
“With this product, business owners can experience the efficiency of their product contributing to business development, considering it can last longer, so there’s no need for quick replacements,” said Nur Fariska.
The key to a successful business is not only the uniqueness of the products and services offered but also vision and high quality, which are essential to attract the global market’s attention.
“The material provided is highly relevant and gives new insights into the basics of entering the market and export-import opportunities,” adds Nur Fariska.
Upon engaging in MES 2023 activities, students are anticipated to be motivated by their enthusiasm and newfound perspectives, recognizing the significance of comprehending business acumen and practical experiences, thus contributing added value after graduating.