BINUS UNIVERSITY Collaborates with Nodeflux to Harness the Power of the Artificial Intelligence

Jakarta, 13 October 2022 – Innovation is the central part of our DNA in Bina Nusantara.
The partnership with Nodeflux showcase our commitment to students and the wider industry to ensure that we can contribute to the technology development in the country.
Nodeflux has specialized in Computer Vision using Artificial Intelligence (AI) since 2016. They continue to develop their services through various contributions to assist local government using CCTV or accelerating business growth.
From the beginning of the semester in March, students of Computer Science participated in projects relevant to Web Development and gained insight from experts to improve the outcome through mentorship. At the end of the project, Nodeflux provided feedback when students showcased their project as part of the Final Project Demo last June. This will not only provide students with practical knowledge of AI, specifically on Visionaire Cloud Application Programming Interface (API) Service and it’s endless potential.
“This partnership will expose our students in the technology industry. We hope this will be beneficial to them since this will enrich their study experience,” said Ardimas Andi Purwita, S.T., M.T., Ph.D as Subject Content Coordinator at the Faculty of Computing and Media BINUS University.
As the world-class university, we are always looking for opportunities to enrich the study experience but ensuring the relevancy of the courses.
Do check out the students work via YouTube here.