BINUS International Office

Maximizing Potentials in Indonesian Villages through “Desakami”

Indonesia is the seventh-largest country after Russia, Canada, the USA, China, Brazil, and Australia. Despite having this large area, there remains a problem where the economic activities and development are centered in big cities. This is one of the factors that lead to urbanization, leaving underdeveloped areas with a lack of human resources.

For Dewo Nursatrio, the issue became an inspiration to build Desakami, a digital platform that provides information about village potential from all over Indonesia. Dewo is a Cyber Security graduate from BINUS UNIVERSITY. Seeing how many untapped potentials that villages in Indonesia have makes him more determined in building the platform. “I was visiting a village in West Java and saw how beautiful the view was, yet everything there was very inexpensive. There were also so many potentials like agriculture and farming. I thought why don’t I start a platform to let people uncover hidden potentials in this village”, says Dewo.

He hopes that Desakami can help people discover information about villages, purchase fresh produce from farmers, even act as a guide for a travel destination. “Whatever the potential, whether it’s agriculture, farming, fishery, travel, we can help to maximize and showcase it to the public for more exposure”, he added. Dewo also mentions that the platform will be a one-stop solution where members can trade within their marketplace feature. There will also be a news feed that features all information about the agriculture and agrotourism potentials of a village, complete with infographics, photos, videos, etc.

Our marketplace system is unique. Let’s say a user needs ten kilograms of chili. They will need to fill out a form, and at the same time, farmers will get a notification, and then it will go through a bidding process. Users can choose where they want to get their groceries from. Dewo also hoped that this platform will be the largest data center in Indonesia to supply information about village potentials. “I hope people can see Desakami as an encyclopedia where they can explore which places in the villages that they’d like to visit.”

Dewo also hopes that Desakami can assist SMEs and individual entrepreneurs in the villages. The platform is set to release in 2022. “For now, the website is still under development. The website for the marketplace is ready but we will release it to the public at the time of launch. We also plan to develop the platform to Android to iOS systems in the future.”
