Turning Waste into Fuel

Plastic is currently one of the most widely used materials, and in the last decades has become a global environmental issue around the world. The price is cheap, easy to find, and easy to use in household appliances, making plastic waste the most common part of human life. While plastic has many valuable uses, the accumulation of plastic waste has become a major problem because plastic waste takes hundreds or even thousands of years to decompose back to earth.
In the midst of this phenomenon, many people are also trying to reduce this plastic waste in various ways such as recycling, producing environmentally friendly plastic, to processing it into other forms and uses, one of which is into fuel as developed by the BINUS UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering Team.
On (15/12), the Plyorisis Waste Processing Equipment was handed over from the Faculty of Engineering to the Environmental Community RW 4, Meruya Selayan District. Given by Ms. Religiana Hendarti and Mr. Tota Pirdo from the Faculty of Engineering and accompanied by Ms. Retno Dewanti as the representative for Community Development Academic BINUS UNIVERSITY.
This pyrolysis Waste Processing Tool is an implementation of a grant in the field of technology for community service provided by the Binus Internal Grant for Community Development activities. This tool is also a form of Final Project development from the Manufacturing Processes course, a student mentored by Mr. Tota to be refined into a better tool. The working process of this tool is quite simple with the combustion method, then the plastic waste goes through a gas condensation (cooling) process into liquid fuel.
It is targeted that this tool will be further developed to be distributed to all areas of the BINUS UNIVERSITY campus and also the target villages.