Pillar of a Smart Village

In 2020, BINUS’ focus of its empowerment program was to build Smart People through an initiative to establish a Village Library which functions as a Knowledge and Creativity Center for villagers (Knowledge and Creativity Center).
The construction of a library as the basis for the pillar of a smart village is BINUSIAN’s awareness to continue to encourage and invite individuals or groups that innovation can be developed in various areas of life. Creativity is also continuously honed through library forums that give birth to new ideas resulting from community discussions.
This village library is managed by BINUS UNIVERSITY, chaired by Ms. Pantri Heriyati (Centre for Business and Social Empowerment). This village library was created in the village of Tirtomoyo, Pakis, Malang in September 2020, the goal is how to improve the literacy of rural communities through the program to establish a village library called Rumah Cerdas Tirta Cendikia (RCTC) and an arena for empowering residents of Tirtomoyo Village, Pakis Malang, built on 4 pillars, namely Smart People, Smart Governance, Smart Economy & Smart Living/Environment.
The village library will be equipped with 2000 books. The book collection is divided into several categories such as, English course textbook series for children, culture and art books for children, craft and hobby books, world encyclopedias, information technology and distribution books, computer skills books, automotive basic books, and religious books.
Based on the large selection of books available, it is expected to be a source of new information and knowledge about the world. Introducing interesting new things. By maximizing the term book as a window to the world, it is hoped that the quality of human resources around the library will be improved. Hopefully with this development support the children in Tirtomoyo village can be motivated and progress in exploring their education.