NUNI International Seminar Series #3 “Business Continuity during Covid-19 Pandemic”

Nationwide University Network in Indonesia (NUNI) presented its third International Seminar Series, which was held for 2 weeks (5 – 16 April 2021). The theme for the seminar series was “Business Continuity during Covid-19 Pandemic”. This seminar series were organized by five Indonesian universities, namely BINUS UNIVERSITY Universitas Andalas, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, along with Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.
The seminar series was conducted virtually via Zoom meetings. The series consisted of eleven sessions in total, presented by twelve distinguished speakers from NUNI members as well as partners. The two-week sessions attracted over 2,500 students in total. These sessions were also attended by 45 different institutions, 34 of which are outside of NUNI members.
On the first week sessions (5-9 April 2021) there were five seminars being held. Speakers were from both local and international universities, namely Rishihood University (India), Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (Malaysia), Ateneo de Manila University (the Philippines), Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (Indonesia), and International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia). The topics presented were ranging from future innovations, such as “Visualisation of IR 4.0 towards Business Supply Chain”, and es of the pandemic” and “Food Innovation and Green Entrepreneurial Leadership”, to themes specifically addressing how post Covid-19 conditions will be like, including “Identifying Covid Culture Shifts and Influencing New Directions”, “Youth Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development post-COVID-19”, as well as “Recovery and Reinvention: How businesses have responded to the challenges”.
Six seminars were presented on the second half of the sessions (13-16 April 2021), which also involved both local and international universities from ESPAS-ESTICE, International Management (France), National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan), The University of Queensland (Australia), BINA Nusantara University (Indonesia), as well as University of Business & Technology (Saudi Arabia). Speakers continued presenting about various topics specifically how countries and industries were dealing with the pandemic situation, such as ”How Taiwan maintains its high-quality higher education in the pandemic” and “Gaming Industry During Covid 19 Pandemic”. Topics specifically focusing on business were present as well as, namely “French Business and Society”, “Doing Business in ASEAN & FinTech”, and “Small business Indonesian women entrepreneurs and digital economy”. Finally, there was also a topic specifically talking about tourism crisis management, titled “Tourism in Troubled Times: Effective Management of Crises and Disasters”.