BINUS UNIVERSITY’s Virtual Agent Familiarization Trip

BINUS UNIVERSITY’s International Communication, Student Engagement and Recruitment team held an online familiarization trip for higher education agents across the world on the 23rd of March 2021. The event itself was held on Zoom and lasted from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
The familiarization trip is held annually with BINUS UNIVERSITY inviting agents and high school counselors to introduce the university, the programs, facilities and many more, in order to attract international students to attend BINUS UNIVERSITY as their university of choice.
The event was hosted by Christabel Sasabone, the International Communication Section Head, and speakers and representatives from BINUS INTERNATIONAL, BINUS Northumbria School of Design, and the admissions and marketing team of BINUS UNIVERSITY. There were also representatives from Goal Business Education and University of Newcastle, Australia.
The event started with the host greeting and thanking the participants for joining. Once more participants of agents from different countries have started joining, the host began the event starting with sharing her experience of studying in University of Newcastle and how having a degree from the world’s top 200 universities helped her stand out and be different. She also shared how it helped her with her job search once she moved back to Indonesia for her career.
Once the host finished with her greetings, the introductions was next, and she introduced all of the speakers and representatives joining to the attendees. BINUS UNIVERSITY’s international student recruitment team began with introducing BINUS UNIVERSITY and life in Jakarta, Indonesia, for the agents. After that, the representatives from Goal Business Education and University of Newcastle, Australia, talked about the 4+0 program between BINUS UNIVERSITY and University of Newcastle and its benefits.
The three-hour event was packed with various sessions and towards the end, the participants were put into different workshops depending on which they signed up and ended with an interactive Q&A session for the agents to ask any further questions regarding the university, the programs, scholarship availability and admission process.
Overall, the event was deemed as a success as the participants was actively participating throughout the three-hour event and had a high interest with BINUS UNIVERSITY.