An Inspiring Figure, Wushu Athlete, Nadya Permata Setiawan

At the age of 10, Nadya was already on the team and was the youngest at that time. The journey to becoming a wushu athlete at a young age is not easy, Nadya has failed to debut in the Wushu International Team at the last minute. This made Nadya realize that she had to do even better so that she could join the team. Finally, she returned to the Wushu National Team and won 3 medals at the national championship in Meda in 2014.
This championship made Nadya trusted to enter the International Wushu Team. Nadya feels that the results of the hard work she has done so far have finally worked. Nadya believes that her ability is more than what other people think, so she continues to train hard. Even though Nadya practices almost every day, Nadya’s college education at BINUS is still going well.
Nadya’s persistence resulted in very encouraging results, she won 3 gold medals in every national championship. In 2014, Nadya won 1 Silver at the 6th Asean School Games in Marikina City, Philippines. In 2015, Nadya won 1 Gold 1 Bronze at the 8th Asian Junior Wushu Championship in Inner Mongolia, China. In 2016, Nadya won 2 Silver 1 Bronze at the 6th World Junior Wushu Championship in Burga, Bulgaria. In 2017, Nadya became the only gold medal holder for the Indonesian team at the 9th Asian Junior Wushu Championship in Gumi City, South Korea. In 2018, Nadya won 3 silver medals at the 7th World Junior Wushu Championship in Brasilia, Brazil. Nadya has also been named an outstanding athlete and model student of DKI Jakarta for 2 periods, namely for the 2015-2016 and 2017-2018 periods.
Nadya’s motivation now is to continue to be active in wushu activities to continue to make the nation proud in the international arena and to continue to sing the Indonesia Raya song domestically and abroad. One thing Nadya remembers, everything that is beautiful definitely requires a process, there will be sad and happy things in the process, and that is a natural thing. Believe, that after these processes are passed, surely dreams one by one will be achieved slowly.