Adopt-A School BINUS SCHOOL Serpong

As is well known, BINA NUSANTARA continues to be committed to making a real contribution to building a better Indonesia so that the vision and mission of BINA NUSANTARA can be realized. Based on the belief in God Almighty and the principle that humans must jointly educate one another, this is where the spirit departs.
In the process of carrying out this commitment, BINUS SCHOOL Serpong created the “Adopt a School” program, a program where students “adopt” disadvantaged schools and carry out a number of subprograms and methods, both education and recreation. The aim of this program is to share features and provide useful support to the adopted schools in the hope of opening up opportunities for students from these schools to participate and gain experience in various activities.
To implement this program, BINUS SCHOOL Serpong collaborates with the Learning Resource Center, the Department of Physical Education, and several school clubs. This program not only teaches but also provides the best possible assistance to reduce the shortage of school facilities to make them comfortable.
This program does not always run smoothly, but BINUS SCHOOL Serpong always improves and gives its best so that the program runs according to plan. The hope of BINUS SCHOOL Serpong in the future is that this program can reach more schools because there are still many children out there who need this assistance. Especially in the world of education. BINUS SCHOOL Serpong believes that in helping others nothing is too small, too young, or too old.