SMACI and SEKARMAS, Solutions for the Readiness of Indonesian Governance in the Industrial Era 4.0

Jakarta – In today’s modern era, almost all aspects of human life can be implemented digitally. One of the important aspects of people’s lives that can now be done digitally is the role of the community to oversee the performance and policies of their government. There is a digital platform that was created to facilitate the role of the community, this platform is known as electronic government or e-government. This platform can also be a means of carrying out bureaucratic reform in government institutions or agencies to make it easier and faster (, 2019). One of the most modern forms of e-government development today is through mobile applications on smartphones. The many benefits that can be felt, both from the government and the community side, make e-government the main thing in the implementation of regional and state governance.
Even so, the participation of the Indonesian people, especially the younger generation, in carrying out their roles through e-government still needs to be improved. Awareness of the importance of monitoring government performance as well as the existence of this platform is important to continue to expand. Understanding the importance of these things, the developer team from BINUS UNIVERSITY with the spirit of fostering and empowering took the initiative to create e-government applications based on social media. The purpose of this application is to increase public participation in monitoring government programs and performance so that the implementation of development and public services runs well. The applications that have been created are SEKARMAS and SMACI. The development team of the two applications is Dr. Evaristus Didik Madyatmadja, ST., M.Kom., MT and Hendro Nindito, S, Si., MMSI from the School of Information Systems BINUS UNIVERSITY, and Debri Pristinella, S.Psi., M.Si from the Atma Jaya University Psychology.
Apart from these lecturers, this development was also assisted by two BINUS UNIVERSITY students, Daniel Nathanael, a 6th-semester student from the School of Information Systems BINUS UNIVERSITY and Ardiant Utomo, a 6th-semester student from the School of Computer Science BINUS UNIVERSITY. The inspiration for this application was obtained from the results of a survey by Mr. Evaristus and his team which found that there were still many services to the community that were ineffective. From there the development team plans to design a Smart City, which is in the form of new, integrated, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations that are responsive to city problems, as well as solutions designed to be sustainable solutions. Smart City itself is a city that can manage all resources effectively and efficiently in solving various challenges, using innovative, integrated and sustainable solutions.
Meanwhile, SEKARMAS is a smart city that is starting to be developed in Amlapura City, Karangasem Regency, Bali. SEKARMAS is a social media application used by the community to report city problems to the government, and a place to share information among residents in the city of Amlapura and Karangasem district. Citizen reports that enter through the Sekarmas mobile application will be forwarded to related parties and the progress of these reports can be monitored in the Sekarmas mobile application or on the admin dashboard
This application is a concrete manifestation of the spirit of fostering and empowering BINUS UNIVERSITY lecturers who are also assisted by BINUS UNIVERSITY students through the development of Smart City concepts and applications together with the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. In the future, this application is expected to grow along with the many needs of the community and government that must be met, for example, Online Licensing Services, Retribution, PBB Payment, KTP Management, Information Systems, Regional Hospitals, Tourism Object Information Systems, and others. Indonesia is required to implement industry 4.0 in the government component, with the Sekarmas Complaint application, the Karangasem Regency Government is ready to go to industry 4.0.