BINUS International Office

Studium Generale with Archipelago International

The economic progress in Indonesia can be clearly seen with the high growth or the opening of hotels that are almost evenly distributed in each province, not only in big cities but also in other regions. This progress also opens up opportunities for hotel operators to be able to demonstrate their ability to continue to own property to be managed. Some examples of hotel operators who have successfully run their businesses include Accor, IHG, Hyatt, and Marriott. Not only hotel operators from abroad, but Indonesia also has many successful hotel operators, namely Santika, Sahid, Dafam, and Aryaduta. Archipelago was born as one of the hotel operators in Southeast Asia. Starting with one brand: Aston Hotel, which later developed with a variety of other hotel brands such as The Alana, Kamuela, Fave, NEO, Quest, and Harper, Archipelago International has proven to be able to provide customer service and satisfaction by continuing to grow the development of hotels new, not only in Indonesia but also abroad.

Understanding the growing importance of Binusian understanding of hospitality and communication science, now and in the future, BINUS UNIVERSITY has the initiative to hold a studium generale with John Flood, MBA, President & CEO of Archipelago International. This Studium Generale is titled “Studium Generale with Archipelago International: Archipelago Transformation of Managing Multi Brands Across the Globe”. In addition to an understanding of the hotel world in general, John Flood also provided insights related to the hospitality business in the future after being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic that is currently happening. John Flood as an executive who has experience in the world of hospitality summarizes the steps that must be done if the hotel businessman wants to expand his business to regions or countries with cultures that are different from where they came from.

Some of these steps include understanding how the regulation of each region is often a stumbling block for business people in developing their businesses in new areas. In addition, an understanding of the culture of the community, both the customs and culture of the daily life of the people in the area is also important to have. Armed with this knowledge and understanding, hotel operators can more easily attract their target markets and serve them more effectively and efficiently. Regarding how hotels should operate, both in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and after this, John Flood explained that hygiene would be increasingly cautious. For example, the amount of buffet food in restaurants in hotels will be reduced and more food will be delivered by waiters who certainly have guaranteed health and cleanliness.

With various insights conveyed in this study, it is hoped that the participants will be able to understand more about the world of hospitality and how to tailor the services provided to consumers in a variety of different places. The participants, both students and practitioners, are expected to remain optimistic in working in the hospitality sector even though they are currently in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic attack.