BINUS Launches the BINUSIAN Care Program To Help Fight COVID-19

As the challenges surrounding the containment of COVID-19 become ever greater in Indonesia, BINUS University has created the BINUSIAN Care program to invite all BINUS alumni as well as employees, lecturers, teachers, students and non-Binusian colleagues who wish to participate in raising funds for medical and non-medical causes related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
To date (15th May 2020), the BINUSIAN Care COVID-19 program has raised Rp 1,642,521,156 and more than Rp 1.1 billion has been used for the procurement of goods for donation.
The program has also distributed personal protective equipment (PPE) to PGI Cikini Hospital which was received by Dr. Alphinus Kambodji. Furthermore, they have been distributing aid to volunteers at Wisma Atlit Emergency Hospital in the form of food and vitamins which was received by Lt. Col. Muzamil and Lt. Col. AL Sucipto.
Further aid activities have included:
- Melati Hospital, Tangerang on 7 April 2020 in the form of a complete PPE and hand sanitizer.
- Juwita Hospital, Bekasi on 7 April 2020 in the form of a complete PPE and hand sanitizer.
- Cakung Health Center, Jakarta on 10 April 2020 in the form of N95 masks and surgical masks.
- Bhakti Kartini Hospital, Bekasi on April 10, 2020 in the form of N95 masks, surgical masks, vitamins C and E.
- Friendship Hospital, Jakarta on April 11, 2020 in the form of a complete PPE and vitamins C and E.
- Sekar Kamulyan Hospital, West Java on 11 April 2020 in the form of a complete PPE, N95 mask, surgical masks and hand sanitizer.
Aid will also be distributed to 5 hospitals in Jakarta, Tangerang and Bandung, namely:
- RS. Carolus, Jakarta.
- Tarakan Regional Hospital, Jakarta.
- Tangerang Regency General Hospital.
- RSKIA Bandung City.
- Santo Yusuf Hospital, Bandung.
The BINUSIAN Care COVID-19 Program will also expand to provide assistance to medical and non-medical volunteers who are on duty and provide support to several hospitals and Puskemas in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi and Bandung which are currently in dire need of personal protective equipment, M95 masks, surgical masks, gloves, goggles, hand sanitizer, food and vitamins so that they can continue to work while protecting their own health and wellbeing.
“I once again invited Binusian colleagues to participate in helping. The assistance and contribution of our colleagues, regardless of value, is very important and meaningful for those who are struggling to care for our brothers and sisters. For colleagues who wish to participate in our aid efforts they can donate at BCA Account – 527 174 2500 on behalf of Yay Binus / Binusian Care,” said Stephen Santoso – Chief Operating Officer.
For every Rupiah donated by BINUSIAN partners, it will be doubled and matched by BINUS with 100% of this fund to be used in the fight against COVID-19.
Further information about the program can be found by clicking here