BINUS University Research on the Analysis of the Financial Services and Technology Sector in Indonesia

Henricus Bambang Triantono, M.M. and Lea Sulaiman Saputra, S.Kom., M.M., lecturers at BINUS University teaching Information Systems program, published a research paper titled “Analysis of Mapping Problems Fintech is a Dynamic Segment of the Intersection Between Financial Services and the Technology Sector”.
Fintech is a term used to refer to innovation in the field of financial services. The National Digital Research Center (NDRC) defines the concept of fintech to adopt technological developments combined with the financial sector which is expected to bring financial transaction processes. This is the origin of the emergence of the Financial Technology (FinTech) industry. FinTech itself makes a goal to make financial or banking services more efficient because it utilizes the presence of technology.
In the FinTech industry, the culprit has and utilizes access to technology to make it easier for consumers. Financial technology which is the use of technology in providing financial services is also included as a potential that arises from technological developments.
In Indonesia, fintech has now developed rapidly. Local and foreign companies are trying to adopt fintech from conventional financial services. But the problem is whether the number of companies fintech companies in Indonesia will continue to grow and develop well considering there are some challenges or obstacles.
The purpose of the research is expected that every challenge faced by stakeholders to encourage the development of fintech will be carried out inclusively (embracing), innovative sustainable (continuously renewing itself) and transformative (has the power to change) for each Stakeholder. The benefit of the research is to encourage the government to be able to resolve the Information Technology infrastructure gap in Indonesia, to work together in formulating regulations related to the rules of playing fintech.