BINUS UNIVERSITY’s Doctorate Student Breaks the International Journal Publication Record

BINUS UNIVERSITY’s Doctor of Research in Management (DRM) Study Program Leonardus Wahyu Wasono Mihardjo broke the record of the most international publications of doctoral programs in Indonesia.
The Chief Finance and Business Partner Officer (CFBPO) at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin) broke the record of the highest international journal entry of S3 students with 45 publications in international journals.
In his press statement, Leonardus’ 45th international journal publication found that there was a shift in the transformation towards digital business, namely from a strength-based strategy (comparative and competitive advantage) to a cooperative advantage-based strategy or commonly known as co-creation strategy.
This dissertation found that the digital transformation phase of the ICT industry in Indonesia must rely on the unique core competencies of each company before being developed towards platform-based services and services.
The main promoter of Prof. Dr. Sasmoko said that the achievement of Leonardus broke the record of the highest international publication of doctoral programs in Indonesia.
Furthermore, it was explained that the completion of the Leonardus S3 study was also quite fast and the results of his research were very useful for digital transformation in Indonesia and could also be an input for changes in current ITK regulations in Indonesia.