BINUS Business School Obtains AACSB Accreditation

On the 15th November 2019, the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) announced that BINUS Business School has been accredited with the highly coveted qualification bestowed on the top business schools around the world. The announcement took place in Tampa, Florida, USA where the organization is headquartered to mark the latest international recognition of BINUS Business Schools’ progress in offering the highest standards of international business education.
Founded in 1916, AACSB is the world’s accrediting body for business schools and the largest business education network that connects students, academics and businesses globally. “AACSB accreditation recognizes institutions that have shown a focus on excellence in all fields, including teaching, research, curriculum development and student learning processes,” said Stephanie M. Bryant, Executive Vice President and Chief Accreditation Officer of AACSB International. “We congratulate BINUS Business School and Director Dezie. L. Warganegara on successfully achieving this accreditation, and salute the entire BINUS University team — including the administration, lecturers, staff, and students — for their role in achieving this honor. BINUS Business School’s commitment to earning accreditation is a true reflection of their dedication—not only to their students, alumni network, and greater business community, but to the higher education industry as a whole,” said Bryant. “Today’s students are tomorrow’s business leaders, and the addition of the BINUS Business School to the network of AACSB-accredited business schools will have a lasting positive impact for their institution, both locally and globally.”
Serving as a barometer of the highest teaching standards, AACSB accreditation inspires new ways of thinking in business education globally being an accreditation that is only bestowed upon 5%of universities worldwide that offer business programs for Strata-1 or higher. At present, there are 862 institutions in 56 countries that have achieved AACSB accreditation. In addition, 188 institutions have received additional accreditation for their accounting programs.
“In the course of obtaining AACSB accreditation, BINUS Business School has gone through a number of changes in preparing itself to be among the best business schools in the world,” Warganegara said. “With AACSB accreditation, BINUS Business School will provide the best business education for its students. Meanwhile, BINUS Business School graduates also have the assurance that they will be trained professionals who are able to answer the challenges of industry and society. ”
AACSB accreditation provides a framework of 15 international standards through which business schools throughout the world can assess the quality of their education services. These standards ensure continuous improvement and provide a focus for schools to realize their mission, innovate, and drive the impact that will result. AACSB accredited schools have successfully undergone a rigorous review process carried out by their peers in the business education community, ensuring that they have the resources, credentials and commitment needed to provide students with first-rate business education, focused on the future .
BINUS Business School continues to work in partnership with business schools throughout the world to offer Indonesian as well as international students the opportunity to enjoy the highest standards of teaching while experiencing the vibrancy of Indonesia’s growing economy which continues to pose new challenges and opportunities.