BINUS UNIVERSITY Hosts a Filmmakers Masterclass by Disney

On Saturday 5th October 2019, BINUS University received a visit from representatives of Disney who were involved in the 3D animated film Frozen II to participate in a Filmmakers Masterclass for students. The two representatives, namely Normand Lemay who is Head of Story and Griselda Sastrawinata, a Visual Development Artist provided insights to students on the story writing and creative development process behind the film. The event took place at the Anggrek Campus in the Auditorium on the 4th Floor from 10-12 am.
Frozen II is due out in cinemas in November 2019 and provides an exciting follow up to the hugely successful Frozen that came out in 2013. The masterclass, therefore, provided BINUS students with valuable insights into the creative processes behind not only 3D animated film production but also how to develop and continue a story within a successful franchise. Students from a range of disciplines including those enrolled in BINUS University’s Games & Application Development joint degree with Deakin University thus had the chance to learn from seasoned professionals within this exciting aspect of the film and animation industry.