BINUS International Office

Southern Federal University

Southern Federal University is the largest scientific and educational center of the South of Russia. The university dates to 1915, when the Imperial University of Warsaw moved to Rostov-on-Don. SFedU is located in the cities of Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog, which is due to the scale of the university and a wide range of tasks: the establishment of the university as a leading center for the training of highly qualified specialists; the development of basic and applied research; inclusion in international research and educational networks.

The strategic goal of the university is to actively participate in the production of new knowledge, its dissemination and use through scientific, educational and innovative activities, the accumulation and enhancement of moral and cultural values ​​of society, the formation of a large interregional, all-Russian and international center of education, science and culture, as well as joining number of leading universities in the world.