BINUS Research on Data Warehouse Development for Customer WIFI Access Service at a Telecommunication Company
As the main public company in telecommunication and broadband business in Indonesia, PT XYZ has always tried to ensure adequate wifi access service to meet the needs of broadband consumers. This wifi service, called wifi-id, uses an Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (AAA) server by collaborating with the other network providers.
This study was based on the need for PT. XYZ to present reports or data quickly when needed, especially when PT. XYZ needs to reconcile the total monthly customer usage with business partners in order to do billing revenue-sharing partnership.
The problem arises because the script of CDR (called data record), which represents the use of broadband consumers, is stored in the form of CSV file only. It makes it difficult to make a report of customer access which is needed by PT. XYZ. The suggested solution is to move the existing data into more structured storage in the data warehouse. Data warehouse development was done through a nine-step methodology designed by Kimball and Ross.
Furthermore, the data can be analyzed using OLAP to present the data in a visual form such as a report or dashboard. With this solution, PT. XYZ can process and present the report relatively faster. Additionally, PT. XYZ will also get more benefit from the data stored in the form of information.
Abba Suganda Girsang S.T., M.Cs., PhD from Magister Teknik Informatika, Bina Nusantara University has his article published in International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation/RECAP.