BINUS UNIVERSITY Lecturer Publishes New Research Paper

BINUS UNIVERSITY lecturer Mr Abba Suganda Girsang recently published his research paper titled ‘Implementation of Database Massively Parallel Processing System to Build Scalability on Process Data Warehouse’, which aimed to implement the use of an MPP (massively parallel processing) system to help organizations address data requests more efficiently and quickly. The article has been published in prominent online scientific journal ScienceDirect as well as being presented at the 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2018; which was hosted by BINUS UNIVERSITY.
MPP is the coordinated processing of a program by multiple processors working on different parts of the program. Each processor has its own operating system and memory. MPP databases have primarily been used in scientific and technical applications as well as for the defence industry. However, organizations in industries such as e-commerce are now seeing their own data volumes growing exponentially and not just from traditional transaction systems but also from new data types like images, audio, and video. As such, this need for large computing cycles can be quickly accomplished through an MPP system and thus companies can exploit vast amounts of data for both operational and strategic purposes at a much quicker rate.
Through this research, Mr Girsang incorporated this system for Indonesian telecommunications company PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications (HCPT) Indonesia, a subsidiary of CK Hutchison Holdings who operates the 3 mobile phone networks. Mr Girsang concluded that the MPP system did provide the company greater optimization and efficiency in its ability to utilize their vast data volumes.
Mr Gisrang’s successful research publication highlights BINUS UNIVERSITY’s commitment to its heritage in the field of information communication technology (ICT). The university’s IT programs are one of the foremost in the country and incorporate wide-ranging elements of IT knowledge that result in its graduates becoming some of the most sought-after young professionals in the industry.