BINUS UNIVERSITY Partners with TIBCO Software

On 9th October 2018, BINUS UNIVERSITY announced its collaboration with American
software company, TIBCO Software Inc. The partnership will see the university and the
company find new initiatives to expand the competencies of students from the School of
Information Systems on the subject of data analytics. This will be done through internships,
advanced analytics projects, guest lectures, student and faculty exchange, as well as career
development programs.
With many businesses in Indonesia becoming more tech-driven and fast-paced, companies are
increasingly using data analysis to provide insights into key areas such as predicting
consumer behavior and analyzing the business value chain; resulting in more efficient
business operations, and new products to meet customers’ needs. Furthermore, data analytics
offers businesses refined sets of data that can unveil new opportunities in addition to building a
strong ecosystem around their brand.
Although digital technology is playing a crucial role in Indonesia’s economic development,
growth is delayed due to the data and technology skills gap. As such, through this collaboration,
BINUS UNIVERSITY students can hope to gain new skills in this field as they will be supported
by a combination of technology and expertise from TIBCO — graduates can then apply these
concepts to vital industries across Indonesia.