BINUS UNIVERSITY Hosts Event on Violence against Children

On 30th June 2018, BINUS UNIVERSITY hosted a talk at its campus in Jakarta on the topic of violence against children in Indonesia. The university collaborated with local NGOs, ‘Do Something Indonesia’, and ‘Wahana Visi Indonesia’, as well as the local technology company, Qlue, to support the government’s efforts to eliminate such acts against children. The talk was titled, XY Generation Inspirational Talk, which sought to inform students that violence against children can be perpetrated by anyone from parents, to classmates, and even peers and can impact their lifelong health and psychological well-being.
The talk also introduced the hashtag #DimulaiDariSaya or #ItStartsWithMe, which encourages people to discover how they can help prevent violence against children. This can be done by addressing protective factors across four interrelated levels of risk – individual, relationship, community, and society. As such, Qlue has developed an app from which the general public can report acts of violence against children — the data will then be collected and reported to the relevant authorities. Through this, vulnerable children can benefit from an improvement in areas such as mental health, a reduction in youth crime, and education in the long-term.
BINUS UNIVERSITY’s latest collaboration aims to help reduce the thousands of cases of violence against children occurring yearly in Indonesia. Furthermore, as a country consisting of a young population, Indonesia needs to safeguard its youth as they will be part of a growing workforce that will contribute to long-term economic growth.