BINUS INTERNATIONAL Hosts Bournemouth Immersion Trip

BINUS UNIVERSITY hosted delegates from Bournemouth University who visited its campus for
an immersion trip from 2nd – 9th June 2018. During the visit, students from the bachelor
through to PhD programs at Bournemouth University were taught Indonesia’s history, its
culture, language, and business climate – students were also shown how to play the
traditional angklung musical instrument.
As part of the trip, Bournemouth University students visited prominent Indonesian businesses
such as Go-Jek, EMTEK Group, Lazada Indonesia, in addition to the ASEAN Secretariat,
Jakarta Smart City, and the British Council.
The two institutions are currently collaborating through the International Scholarship Program,
a double degree program from which BINUS UNIVERSITY students are eligible for a
scholarship to study in Bournemouth. Furthermore, in January 2017, both universities
collaborated to host the second Global Festival of Learning ASEAN 2017, which was a two-day
event that showcased Bournemouth University’s research and expertise for a wide variety of
In hosting Bournemouth University, BINUS UNIVERSITY hopes to further strengthen and
continue its relationship with the well-known British higher education institution. In doing so,
its students will have access to facilities and curricula that inspire critical thinking, and nurture
creativity and innovation, so they can become solution providers for national and global issues.