BINUS UNIVERSITY Wins Padma Mitra Award

BINUS UNIVERSITY received the Padma Mitra Award in recognition for its CSR initiatives at a ceremony held on 31st January 2018, at the Jakarta City Hall. Presented by the Governor of Jakarta Mr Anies Baswedan, the accolade aims to show appreciation to institutions from all sectors who have implemented effective CSR programmes. Present at the event to accept the award on behalf of the university was Mr Johan S.Kom. MM as Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Community Development.
BINUS UNIVERSITY’s CSR programmes involved providing free tutoring for elementary school children, garage sales, and access to scholarships. In attaining this accolade, the university was judged on the overall success of these strategies, which consisted of a site visit by assessors from the awards committee as well as a comprehensive presentation of the initiatives being implemented. Furthermore, the university joins a list of prominent names who were also bestowed with this honour such as energy company ConocoPhillips, car manufacturer Astra International, and Bank DKI, among many others.
In winning this award, BINUS UNIVERSITY has demonstrated the positive contribution of its CSR activities to the wider community. As such, the university continues to support such activities through measures such as its 3+1 enrichment programme, whereby students are offered a year of experience to undertake community development projects from which they can develop a holistic understanding of the various issues impacting Indonesian societies; enabling them to gain new skills and raise awareness for important issues.