BINUS International Office

Recognized as Industry Leader by Indonesian Quality Award

Recognized as Industry Leader by Indonesian Quality Award


On November 20, 2017, BINUS UNIVERSITY earned the “Emerging Industry Leader” award in Education and “Bronze Award” in the category of Best Score Growth Achievement Award at the Indonesian Quality Award (IQA) 2017 Ceremony. The award comes from The Indonesian Quality Award Foundation, a foundation that was established in 2006 by leading Indonesian State-owned Enterprises. Awards in the two categories prove that BINUS is a prime institution providing advance learning. Namely, for the awards, the committee not only looked at product, service and process efficiency, but also customer satisfaction and loyalty, the revenue and market share, even social responsibility.

As stated by CEO of BINA NUSANTARA Mr. Ir. Bernard Gunawan, this achievement is the result of a long process conducted by BINUS UNIVERSITY to consistently improve the performance of the organization since the first IQA Assessment in 2011 to the present. This award is important to BINUS on its way to achieve the vision to become “A World-class university in continuous pursuit of innovation and enterprise.” IQA has initiated this award to help and encourage Indonesian university quality assurance.