BINUS International Office

ECPAT Indonesia

ECPAT Indonesia is a national network of organizations and individuals working together to eliminate child prostitution, child pornography, and trafficking of children for sexual purposes with 22 members 2 individuals in 11 provinces in Indonesia. The network was initiatively established by a number professionals and organizations committing to work together against CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children) in 2000. ECPAT Indonesia is the official network member of ECPAT International ( that works across 75 countries in the world. Our affiliation to the international network was started in 2005 and registered as the National Group for Indonesia in the beginning of 2012.

As a part of a global network, ECPAT Indonesia is involved in the implementation of various initiatives on key issues at both national and regional level. The involvement of the national coalition is to be followed by the members at provincial level on behalf of the national initiatives.Our commitment is strengthen national actions in the efforts to prevent and eliminate CSEC within the country by building collaboration with crossed-sectoral key stakeholders include civil society actors and broader child rights organisations, academics, professionals, government bodies, private sectors, international agencies and many more. Our presence is to ensure the state community and the government to take serious action addressing this severe crime.

Several program that ECPAT Indonesia doing is

  1. Advocacy works towards government agencies and key stakeholders at national and provincial levels on policies, regulations and legal reform to strengthen the national plan of action for the elimination of CSEC,
  2. Capacity building for members and relevant strategic groups on CSEC through technical supports, trainings and workshops,
  3. Data collection on the situation of CSEC through series of baseline surveys, rapid assessments and researches,
  4. Dissemination of any information on CSEC through socialization, seminars, round table discussions and conferences,
  5. Raising public awareness on CSEC through developing campaign materials and communication tools,
  6. Promotion of children and young people participation programs against CSEC through establishing youth groups and developing community-based programs for prevention,
  7. Care and supports for child victims and survivors through direct service program includes rescue, repatriation, rehabilitation, re-integration and empowerment.

ECPAT Indonesia welcomes any thoughts, energies, time or skill you wish to contribute. You can visit our official website or contact our secretariat to get more information on delivering your help.