BINUS International Office

Seminar in Teaching and Research for Internationalization at BINUS UNIVERSITY

BINUS International Office in collaboration with BINUS Institutional Development Center organized a seminar with theme on internationalization on October 9, 2013 at oak Room, BINUS Square – Hall of Residence. The seminar presented Dr. Lindsay Beverly (Professor of Education, Higher Education and Comparative & International Education Senior Scientist, Pennsylvania State University) and Dr. Diana Sari (Director of International Affairs, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Padjadjaran) as the speakers. Dr. Lindsay gave an enlightening presentation on the topic of "Domestic and International Opportunities and Challenges for Metropolitan Universities: Moving Forward in the Contemporary Era" while Dr. Diana shared her knowledge on how to start collaboration for joint degree program, which were followed by question and answer sessions.

This seminar gives a new insight in the topics presented, in order to help BINUS achieve the “BINUS 20/20 Vision”, and aids the development of BINUS into international world as a prominent educational institution in Indonesia.