BINUS International Office

P2A Journey Program

P2A is a non-profit Network that was officially formed in June 2012 during the First Assembly of Representatives hosted by Rangsit University in Thailand based on the vision of the ASEAN Charter: “One Vision, One Identity” and creating “One Caring and Sharing Community”. Currently P2A has 81 ASEAN Institutions of Higher Education that have signed the ratification and agreed to the Charter. Members have full access and will engage in the P2A Programs and Network, and are encouraged to take part in the development of P2A.

The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is led by its Chairman, Dr. Arthit Ourairat, who is also the President if Rangsit University, Thailand. The Board of Directors oversees and governs the Association, with emphasis on matters such as long-term policy and budget. The Board seeks to maintain a number of persons more than or equal to eleven (11) persons, of whom may be from any ASEAN country.  Ideally, representation will cover all 10 ASEAN countries. The Board of Directors meets on a semiannual annual basis, to review, discuss and advise.

The Standing Committee
The Standing Committee (SC) is a governing body of senior individuals from Member Institutions. The SC oversees and approves network management and decision-making on a day-to-day basis, with a focus on program development, in coordination with the secretariat. Standing Committee Members are highly active and engaged Members who wish to take part in network development. The SC seeks representation from all 10 ASEAN countries.

The P2A Secretariat
The Secretariat plays a key role as the center of communication, coordination and network management, as well as, actively promotes the interests of P2A, including expanding and developing the programs and membership through policy initiatives, coordination, consensus and cooperation. The Secretariat also coordinates biannual meetings with the network and is currently located at Rangsit University in Thailand.

P2A has a mission to implement its vision by:
(1) Providing flexible Mobility Programs for its Member Institution’s Students, Faculties and Staffs to travel and experience different cultures and countries
(2) Establishing open access Virtual Programs for any ASEAN Student, especially those who do not have access to mobility programs
(3) Providing the Network and opportunity for bilateral and multilateral cooperation amongst Member Institutions

The ASEAN Journey
For the students who truly want the full experience of P2A, the third and final program offered is the ASEAN Journey (Mobility Program). To truly experience and understand other countries, you must indeed go there to see and experience first-hand. P2A recognizes that the two biggest challenges for student Mobility is the cost and time to travel. It would be wonderful if every student in the world could experience study abroad or study exchange in another country. However, we know that this is unrealistic for many students and disciplines. Therefore, the P2A Network of Universities combines efforts to provide the cheapest options, with the most fulfilling experience, in the most flexible time-period possible.

How do we do this?
Each P2A Member Institution offers standardized 4 days and 3 nights program for an intensive cultural experience – for a standard price of 25-40 USD per night (including Accommodation, Meals, Local transportation and Activities). Programs are not limited to four days, they can be longer. However, to make life easier for faculty and students to plan trips, we start with a standardized four-day program which can be adjusted per any Institution’s wishes. However, both the Host Institution and Travelling Institution must agree on the Journey details beforehand.  Many student trips entail several countries and several institutions. A typical trip will be 1 to 2 weeks, but can be as little as a few days or as long as a few months. P2A Member Institutions agree to common aspects in all programs, including cultural seminars, student reflection groups, and of course local sightseeing.


No. Date Activity Participants
1. 7-10 March 2018 BINUS Finance Students Journey to Rangsit University,  Thailand 14 Students + 1 Chaperone
2. 24 July – 2 August 2018 BINUS Psychology Students 3 Countries Journey to;

1. Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Thailand

2. Mean Chey University, Cambodia

3. University of Economic and Law, Vietnam

19 Students + 1 Chaperone
3. 23-28 July 2018 BINUS International Relations Students Journey to Rangsit University, Thailand 25 Students + 1 Chaperone
4. 8-11 September 2018 BINUS Online Learning Students Journey to  Rangsit University, Thailand 9 Students + 1 Chaperone
5. 11-14 September 2018 BINUS International Business Management (IBM) Students Journey to Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Thailand 39 Students + 3 Chaperone
6. 15- 19 August, 2018 P2A – ASEAN IN ONE 2018, Duy Tan University, Danang, Vietnam 10 Students Club Presidents + 1 P2A Coordinator
7. 25-28 November 2018 English Literature to Adventist University, The Philippines 31 Students + 2 Lecturers

Further info:
Ms. Arlin Pusparini (

International Office
Anggrek Campus, Room 331 (3rd Floor)
Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 27, Kebon Jeruk,
Jakarta Barat 11530, Indonesia
T. +62-21 534 5830 ext. 1323 / 1324
E. io@binus.eduFacebook: / | Twitter: /binus_io | Instagram: @binus_internationaloffice