What They Say: Short Programs
Testimonials for Short Programs at BINUS
Gakushuin Students Visit, 7-9 December 2017
“Final workshop is very impressed for me. Ibuddies made short video for us and it was so attached.”
”Delicious Indonesian food”
“BINUS University and campus are excellent!”
“I enjoy discussing with BINUS Students”
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia P2A Journey to BINUS, 2-5 May 2018
“I love it. Do it again!”
“Overall it was very excellent and the iBuddies are very friendly”
“Mostly it was very fun and excellent trip to Jakarta”
“Super duper awesome”
“The buddies are very friendly and reachable”
“The programme is very good for our experience and it will improve our communication skill”
“I had a lot of fun, I learn more details about Indonesia. Not to forget, I got new friends from BINUS”
Daegu Catholic University Summer Study Abroad, 9-30 July 2018
“I was so happy in Indonesia. I love here. I will come back soon!”
“During 1 month, I was interested in Indonesia language and cultures”
“It was good to have an unforgettable experience”
“It was a good opportunity to learn about Indonesia culture and startup market. In addition, I learnt English better.”
“I’m so happy here. It’s very interesting experience to me, the whole programs. Thank you for hosting me.”
“I love Indonesians in BINUS!”
SME Business in Indonesia: From Bali to the World!, 23 July-5 August 2018
“It is the best experience that I have ever had!”
“If the program will be held next year, I will recommend it to my friends”
“ I’m satisfied overall, I wish I had more free-time to enjoy Jakarta by myself”
“Wonderful experience that I will remember forever”
“ Very nice combination of lectures and company visit and culture! Thank you very much! Also really enjoyed going to SKYE Bar with the whole group”
“Overall I was satisfied with the programmes and the iBuddies helped a lot and were very nice”
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