People Innovation Excellence

Stella Nathalia Ignacia, Hotel Management AIMS Exchange at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand (Fall 2014)

Going abroad had been my dream for a long time, but I didn’t expect the opportunity to come fast! At first, I was worried about the culture shock but the anxiety disappeared as I saw those smiles from the people in the “Land of Smiles”. Trying to communicate with the local people using Thai and body language has led to some misunderstanding, but they were so tolerant and appreciative with my effort as a foreigner.
I tried to make the most of my exchange period. Not only did I get involved in the academic activities, but I also took part in extracurricular activities, such as Volunteer of Asian Beach games 2014, Phuket International Night Run and many other interesting Thai cultural and social activities. Those experiences were priceless!
The exchange program gives me the opportunity to practice intercultural communication in the most effective and efficient way.
Overall, I learned that the “THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL” concept is an important part in achieving success. Be knowledgeable and adaptive!
I encourage everyone to join the student exchange program. Take the chance! You can do it!

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